People often ask what Aromatherapy is and what effect a smell can really have on the body. To keep things simple, Aromatherapy is the term describing ‘the use of concentrated oils from plants therapeutically’.
Essential oils can be taken from the bark, skin, leaves and flowers of plants and then diluted in a carrier oil (such as Grapeseed, Avocado, Jojoba) then applied to the skin via massage, applied to a hot compress for aches and pains, added to a bath, used in a steam inhalation for a cold or applied to creams and lotions for the face and body.
Inhaling essential oils can stimulate the Limbic System (the part of the brain responsible for controlling emotions, mood and memory). Smells mean different things to different people. Some love the smell of Lavender and find it relaxing and calming, others may associate it with a stressful period in their life and it find it makes them feel sad or afraid. It is for this reason that Hannah really believes it is important that each client is involved in the oil selection process for their treatment.